
Winesong 2025 Masthead

Celebrating 40 Years

Winesong will return to the Botanical Gardens to commemorate its 40th anniversary, honoring decades of community support and healthcare partnerships.

The Covid Years

The pandemic brought new challenges, forcing Winesong to pivot to virtual auctions for two years. Despite the shift, the event continued to connect its community and support healthcare initiatives.

Live Charity Auction & Luncheon

Winesong in the New Millennium

Initially staffed entirely by volunteers, Winesong gradually expanded in the 2000s to include part-time and later full-time coordinators, enhancing the event’s professionalism and efficiency.

Grand Tasting & Silent Auction

$200K Milestone

With a growing base of dedicated attendees, Winesong surpassed the $200,000 gross income barrier. It had firmly established itself as a premier wine auction event.

Breaking $100K

Changes such as expanding the event from the Dahlia Gardens to include the event lawn—with a tent for bidders—paid off. By 1989, Winesong had surpassed $100,000 in total bidding and gained a reputation as a destination for great wine deals.

A Rocky Start

Winesong faced challenges in its second year, losing over $60,000. Despite setbacks, the board persisted and began making improvements to the event.

The Idea is Born

Shortly after the Mendocino Coast Healthcare Foundation (MCHF) was established on September 1, 1984, Barbara Bessler, chair of the Development Committee, proposed hosting a wine tasting and auction at the Botanical Gardens. The concept was named “Winesong”, and planning began.

Wine Leaders Panel

The First Winesong

The inaugural event took place in September 1985. Despite a whirlwind effort to organize it, Winesong generated $18,692—though the production cost has been lost to history.

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